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Book a private Reiki session with April Miranda
Reiki Healing Therapy in Toronto
“Met April on a yoga retreat weekend and she was amazing. Her classes, life coaching and reiki have helped me more than she will ever know. It was honestly a life changing experience.
Reiki is pure unconditional love and joy. Bringing those who practice the feeling of harmony. The human body is made up of 50 trillion cells of omnipresent wisdom. Every living thing has this wisdom and is connected to the Universal energy within and around itself. A good analogy is thinking of the Universe as the ocean, and every living thing is a droplet. Together the droplets come together to create Reiki - the Universal Life Force. Reiki is part of our genetic structure. An inbuilt intelligence that connects the mind, body and spirit. Reiki stimulates growth, health, life and healing. When the mind, body and spirit are in harmony the biological intelligence that governs the properties to allow it to heal itself is intensified. Reiki is the key to unlock the body’s optimum capabilities.
Toronto Reiki Services
There is an energy that is within us and around us. A force that holds this Universe together. We have known of this energy for thousands of years and its power to heal and affect our lives. Find out how you can learn how to use your innate ability to heal yourself, others, and the world around you, with Reiki sessions and Reiki training in Toronto.
Online Group Reiki Sessions
A community mastering healing + manifesting from the inside out together is the single best way to navigate rapid change, take on the challenges of this unique moment, and unlock the ability for you to achieve results and transformation.
One on One Reiki Sessions
A direct energy exchange. The removal of old and stagnant energy, replacing it with fresh, healing energy. Cord-cutting and cord strengthening, chakra balancing, emotional grounding and protective bubble. I will also provide an intuitive interpretation of what the physical symptoms in your body are telling you. We will work together to help you find the root cause of your anxiety, pain and what you can do about it.
What is Reiki?
Reiki - is a two-syllable Japanese term broken down into two words.
Rei - Universal Ki - Life Force
Pronounced: RAY - KEY
Rei- is Universal and omnipresent which means it is present everywhere at the same time. Reiki is spiritual consciousness, the omnipresent wisdom from God, the Infinite Intelligence, Divine energy, or the Higher Self.
Ki- is non-physical vitality that gives life to all living things. Ki energy can be activated for the purpose of healing. When Ki energy is high you feel healthy and full of enthusiasm. Life is fun, you can easily solve life’s problems, and you are more resilient to disease. However, when you are stressed, your Ki energy is low, you will feel tired and more susceptible to disease. Your attitude will generally be negative, and you will find it difficult to deal with life challenges. Ki is the very essence of the soul. It leaves the body with the person dies. Reiki is holistic.
Works on the individual’s body, mind and spirit as it stimulates a person’s own natural ability to heal. The blocked emotional energies that cause illness are cleared. Reiki is neither positive nor negative. It is the highest and most profound vibration in life. Divine in origin, it reminds us that we are all one.
How does Reiki work?
Reiki is the universal life force within all living things! As the reiki master, I channel the universal life force through me, hands, to the client’s energy and surrounding healing space. Reiki encourages the client to relax, go through meditation and guided visualization. Combined with the reiki master, one can connect with their ability to heal. As the reiki master, I get the client and me into a meditative state and guide the client through visualization of channelling warm healing white light through the body and energy.
After the breakthrough consultation, I am clear about which chakra to focus on. From there I trust my internal guidance/ intuition to channel the reiki in the particular chakras. The Reiki will go where there is heavy and stuffed energy and clear those energy blockages. This can include physical, mental, and emotional heaviness.
The Benefits of Reiki
Reiki goes back thousands of years and has the ability to help heal ourselves and others.
Reiki has many benefits for all layers of well-being:
It can be physical relaxation
emotional relief
release mental blockages
create spiritual connection
Create clarity and a sense of freedom.
Peace of mind
Connection to infinite intelligence
Why would I need Reiki?
If there is a resistance that is preventing you from moving forward in any area of your life, whether it’s your career, relationship or physical discomfort, a reiki master can help move the energy! With being an outside eye or support, to help with blind spots that the client may not see or feel.
FAQ about Reiki
How many sessions of Reiki do you need?
Traditional Japanese would recommend doing it every day for 21 days consecutively to embody the benefits. Working with a Reiki Master can embody the benefits after 1 session. While most of my clients are satisfied after 1 breakthrough session, clients who are going through big life changes, preferably once a month.
What is Usui Reiki?
Reiki has gone back 1000 years, but Usui is a founder in history that we can trace the origin of Reiki. Usui is a clear founder as we go through the lineage of modern reiki in the western world.
What is Reiki Yoga?
Reiki yoga is a practice that includes yoga poses with hands-on adjustments from a Reiki Master.
What does Reiki treatment feel like?
The Reiki experience varies from individuals. One can feel the heat of the hands, sometimes a cooling sensation, tingling, some may laugh, some may cry, some will fall asleep and feel nothing at all. However, the Reiki is working with or without the conscious mind involved.